Greece is at the moment tax advantageous for the wealthy . And wealthy foreigners are coming to take advantage of the very low dividends tax . Not justified when the low income people both self employed and employees are taxed to the bone .

I would advocate for a fair wealth tax like in Switzerland and other countries to balance Greece s growing and unsustainable equalities . Greek taxes hinder growth and pander to inherited wealth amongs other failings .

And one thing that someone should communicate to AADE : there is no verification of the foreign tax resident status by the system . Thefrefore, people who years ago were forreign residents but now live in Greece , are not taxed as Greek residents , they are not taxed anywhere in many cases..

Why is this happening , for Greek residents are required to evidence their tax clearance all the time ??

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I would not trust the perspective of the Tax Foundation. It is a right-wing group that forms rankings based on what is best for the wealthy and those who aren't interested in paying their fair share, as opposed to what is best for most citizens.

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I understand the criticism. If the data was more qualitative, I would probably be a bit more hesitant to use it. However, these are hard coded data. Unless we have evidence that the rates for every country are wrong, I think it's still a valuable resource. Based on my own experience with the Greek numbers, these look pretty on mark. Thanks for the comment, David.

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Nov 2·edited Nov 2Liked by The Greek Analyst

Greece is a tax heaven for us the rich. Let them eat cake. (What a disgrace)

Also bonuses are taxed at income tax rate.

TL;DR you work hard, you are rich, you need to pay for everything. You are capital and passive? Attaboy!

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Greece traditionally had pretty high taxes. Bringing them down is not to more reasonable levels is not bad. But it does need to become much more equitable. Right now, salaried employees are punished and businesses have no real positive incentives to be honest in their reporting.

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